Today we will learn some most frequently used sentences in Chinese with the following clips. Some of them are elaborated, but some are not, so I hope my explanation will help a bit.
For xiè xie (谢谢, Thank You) you might notice that for the second 'xie' there is NO tone. It is because in oral Chinese, when the word is composed of two exactly same characters, the so-called 'light tone' applies on the second one. This is the same as bà ba (爸爸, father) and mā ma (妈妈, mother) as mentioned in previous posts.
There are many ways to respond to 'xiè xie', as in English,such as 'You are welcome!', 'It's all right!'.
bù(bú) kè qi (不客气):
méi shì er (没事儿):
bù(bú) yòng xiè (不用谢):
zài jiàn (再见):
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