Videos in Less Pain Chinese


How to say 'I LOVE You' in Chinese?

Do not recognize Chinese characters? That's fine! Let's blurt out Chinese first!

From now on, 'Daily Bite' will introduce a series of useful sentences denoted by Pinyin. I hope in this way you can gradually accumulate more Chinese in the sense that you can actually speak!

Even Valentine's day will only come in about 2 weeks, but I guess it might take a longer time to speak this correctly, so I just post this at this 'early' stage. So do you want to know how to say 'I LOVE YOU!' in Chinese?

In case that you may forget how to follow Pinyin to pronounce them, try the 'Pinyin Pronunciation' under the 'Useful Link' to practise.

As you may already see, the 3 characters just match the 3 English letters perfectly and their mearning is just obvious.

Below is a video of a Chinese song 'Say Love Me' (shuō ài wǒ) with Pinyin subtitle. Thus, even you don't know what it actually means, you can follow the singer (Jolin ) to sing this song with the help of Pinyin! Want to try that out?

CC's Note:

1. There are some typos in the lyrics of the video at (0:31/3:44), where the last one should be 'jing' instead of 'jiang'. At (0:38/3:44) 'gon' should be 'gan'. One minute later(1:30,2:46/3:44), the 'ning' is 'ming'.

2. The singer is Jolin Tsai. Well, in Pinyin, this 'Tsai' is 'cài'.

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