Videos in Less Pain Chinese



Today, let's just finish all finals and end the seemingly boring foundation lecture before the Chinese new year (In the 'Chinese Calander' on the right, it begins on 26th, Jan.)!

There are more finals than initials and they seem to be more messy, but I decide to list all of them in this single post so that you can keep checking them back. I think after the excercise from initials you should be a bit familiar with the Pinyin Phonetic system and be aware of its difference from English. Smilarly, what you need to do again is just:


Hopefully before Chinese new year we can learn some simple greetings based on this Pinyin system. So now let's check them out one by one:

a o e i u ü
--These 6 are the basics. The following can be regarded as combinations of them.

ai ei ao ou

--Take 'ai' for example, it's just combining the pronunciation of 'a' and 'i', try that out, do you make it?

ia ie ua uo ue(üe)

iao iou uai uei

--It appears to be complicated, but it's nothing but combination! For instance, iao=i+ao, right?:)

an ian uan üan

en in un ün

ang iang uang ong

eng ing ueng iong

In order not to scare you guys away, I will simply link you to Wiki for the tips of pronouncing finals.

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