Now we already learned 'Initials', 'Finals' and 'Tones', it is time for us to combine these 3 things and speak Chinese out!
Question: Can you try to pronounce 'nǐ hǎo' and 'zài jiàn'?
nǐ hǎo =Hello!=How are you doing?
zài jiàn=Bye!=See you!
I would like to highly recommend you go to this site to practise all these combinations. Just by clicking THREE parts you can listen to the standard pronunciation:
For example, if you want to hear what nǐ sounds like, then:
1. Click 'n' under initials;
2. Click 'i' under finals;
3. Click '3rd' in tones.
CC's note:
1. One 'problem' for newcomes of Pinyin is that they feel a little frustrated when it comes to this part to combine initials and finals since some initials do NOT go along with some finals. Well, please relax!!! This is not a rule for you to learn by rote, nor to confuse you.
2. Another good feature of the above page is that you can find out what combinations are valid or not, which are differentiated by bold and shaded fonts. By speaking instead of merely memorizing lots of times, I think it would be natural for you to see which initial and final are a good match.
3. The following syllables may sound a bit beyond your expectation:
For example, 'shi' does NOT sound like 'she' (in English), when you try to combine 'sh' and 'i'.
You are welcome to experiment and then correct your own pronunciation as much as possible. Anyway, please practise!
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